There are many types of flours to consider when baking in small batches or in bulk. For the best of breads, bread flour is an important ingredient to distinguish when it comes to quality and customer satisfaction. From bakeries to restaurants to at-home cooking, using a high quality bread flour ensures that your bread-based products bake into a satisfactory result. Learn more about the variety of bread flour, what makes it different from all-purpose flour, and how to choose one that works best for your needs.

What is Bread Flour?

Bread flour is a special type of flour made specifically for the purpose of making bread-based recipes. The ingredients of bread flour include a high-protein content and an increased amount of gluten. Typically, it is a white flour that is milled from hard red spring wheat grains, which are specific grains that contain a higher gluten content. The higher gluten and protein contents in the bread flour results in a flour that produces more structure and a better chew for a quality bread product.

Types of Bread Flour

Bread flour can be found in a variety of types. At Bremer Ingredients, a highly popular bread flour choice includes the bulk winona flour, due to its great fermentation and machining tolerance. Other exceptional choices include artisan bread flour and King Midas. Each different type of bread flour allows for varying results. For example, artisan bread creates a pleasant aroma and flavor, and results in a crustier, crisper bread with a softer inside. The unbleached winona flour – known as a durable bulk flour – is used for this product due to its premium quality and strength. Discover the variety of Bremer’s bread flours to find the option that works best for your bulk ingredient needs.

Bread Flour vs All-Purpose Flour

There are many distinct differences between bread flour and all-purpose flour. All-purpose flour is good to use for a wide range of baked goods, commonly known as H&R (hotel and restaurant) flour. All-purpose flour is the better choice for simple, tender baked goods like cookies, biscuits, or as a thickening agent for sauces and gravies. However, it lacks the high protein and gluten content that bread flour consists of to make quality bread, pizza dough, pretzels, and more. Bread flour creates a more structured, chewy texture, while all-purpose flour results in flakey, tender texture that is not sustainable for some types of dough.

Discover Quality Bread Flour at Bremer

When you’ve chosen bread flour for your baking needs, purchase bulk bread flour at Bremer for guaranteed quality and satisfaction. In need of all-purpose flour, pastry flour, or gluten alternatives instead? Be sure to check out the other types of bulk flours offered at Bremer for all of your flour needs.

Salt is an important ingredient for a variety of recipes, whether you’re seasoning chicken or baking cupcakes. Sea salt and table salt are both popular choices, but which one should you choose? Both types have different components that separate their flavor profile. Discover the differences between sea salt and table salt to learn more about which salt best fits your cooking or baking needs.

What is Sea Salt?

Sea salt is produced by the evaporation of saltwater by the sun, wind, and time. It carries trace minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron, and is usually available in fine grains and crystals. Due to the trace minerals, sea salt is known for having more of a complex, full-bodied flavor. The crystals are usually bigger, and are available in forms of flakes that are popular for finishing purposes. Sea salt is commonly used to enhance recipes with its bold flavor profile and more defined crystal size. At Bremer, our bulk sea salts are purified, and are most commonly used for items like salad dressings, margarine, canned vegetables, and pickled vegetables.

What is Table Salt?

Table salt is produced by mining from underground deposits. Table salt is processed to remove minerals and impurities, and is typically fortified with iodine to prevent clumping and create a fine texture. Table salt has a sharper taste due to the elimination of minerals and impurities, and is commonly used in small quantities for baking. Too much table salt can cause a metallic taste, so it’s important to use this ingredient in moderation. For a fine-textured salt, explore Bremer’s salts, which include iodized salt options.

What’s the Difference between Sea Salt and Table Salt?

The main differences between sea salt and table salt are the taste, texture, process, and shelf life. Sea salt brings a richer, complex flavor, and is used in flake form for topping off baked goods and recipes. Table salt is best used in small doses, ringing  true to its name. Sea salt has a crunchier, flakier texture, while table salt is fine and made to dissolve. Sea salt lasts longer and has a longer shelf life compared to table salt, due to the added iodine and preservatives. Table salt can last up to five years before its minerals break down over time.

Fulfill All Your Sea Salt & Table Salt Needs At Bremer

No matter what type of salt you’re looking for, Bremer supplies a variety of types for your bulk ingredient needs. From bulk sea salt and iodized salt to flour salt and reduced salt alternatives, Bremer makes sure to deliver quality items at competitive prices.